As a musician, what is your definition of success? Follow me here, my definition of success would be making it to a spot in your career where you are completely comfortable. I know it’s an odd answer, but let me explain. My ideal comes from a place where what you do (performing) doesn’t require mental preparation (ugh, another concert! I guess I’ll start packing.) or a stiff drink to calm your nerves, because you know the public is here to see you and both you and the audience know that the performance will be worth the attendance. There’s comfort on my end, and for the audience, knowing that they’re getting the most from their ticket purchase. What’s also success to me, is when my face or my name garners interest, and when it’s over, people are pleased to have come to see me. I don’t have to be famous per se, but I’d like to know that I can make a living from my music and if I ever felt like putting on a show at random, I’d like to know that people will have no reservations on buying tickets and showing up to the event. I feel that financial comfort is the better option, as well as the physical. Think of Yuja Wang or Valentina Lisitsa, (two other musicians I admire) they’re confident and always ready before and during a show. Their names, stage presence and skills on the piano speaks for them. All they need to do is show up and play. (via)]]>
- Post author:admin
- Post published:February 12, 2018
- Post category:LOUIS VASPAR / PIANIST