1 People tend to think of ballet as something for either children or professional dancers, but adult classes are a great way for men and women to keep fit, tone and stretch. Especially if you hate the repetitive nature of the gym.
2 Flexibility, coordination and balance aren’t prerequisites – they come as a result of ballet. Worrying about trying ballet because you can’t touch your toes is like worrying about going to the gym because you don’t have a six-pack.
3 For most people, standing at the barre, being confronted with their reflection in the mirror can be quite scary. Try to let go of that self-consciousness. In time, looking in that mirror becomes as natural as brushing your teeth.
4 Wear what feels comfortable: tracksuit trousers or leggings and a top. Avoid baggy clothes that might trip you up.
5 One of the most basic steps is the plié. Stand with your heels together and toes pointing out to either side. Keeping your back in a neutral alignment and your chin up, bend at the knees, so they move over the centre of your toes.