Who or what were the most important influences on your musical life and career? When I was younger my biggest inspiration was Anne Sophie Mutter, who I simply adored for her temperament and colouring in her playing. In later years there have been a handful of people who have had a huge influence on my musical life and career, as well as my personal life. My experience is that being a musician is an opportunity for learning more and more about yourself, which is one of my favourite things with being a musician. It always challenges me to get to know myself on a deeper and deeper level physically, psychologically and emotionally. The more I learn, the easier it gets and I become more and more like a curious child! One of those who have had the greatest influence on my musical life and career the last few years is Timani teacher Tina Margareta Nilsen, who is an expert on how to use the body as a musician in order to reach your potential as a musician. My Alexander Technique teachers at the Royal College of Music, Judith Kleinman and Peter Buckoke also had an extraordinary influence on my playing as well as life in general. I am very grateful to these dedicated teachers who have included body and mind to music. How to use my body in a healthy, uplifting and musical way while playing is truly one of the greatest gifts and wisdom I have ever received, and every day I am exploring new things and deeper and deeper layers of it. Another huge influence in my musical life, career and life in general is Ascension meditation. I started to practice this meditation every day one year ago. This has helped me getting back to the joy and love of playing and performing music that I had when I was younger, but somehow got somewhat lost on the way with pressure and stress associated with playing the violin. It has also helped me with creativity and being more efficient in every aspect of my life, including in the practicing room. I have never practiced as little as I do now, and never developed as fast! It has helped me become more present during performances, which is probably one of the most important aspects as a performer. (via) ]]>
- Post author:admin
- Post published:March 16, 2017